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8:42 PM
Light on Tuesday confirmed the presence of life?
Written By ilookingtoday on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 | 8:42 PM
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10:06 PM
20 / 03 / 2014 แแ្แแแแោแแ แ្แแាแ់แេแแ ំแួแแขแ្แแូแแ្แុំแ្แាแแ៉ាแៅแុแแ្แแួแแាแแាแ
Written By ilookingtoday on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 | 10:06 PM
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3:23 AM
Wonderful demonstration
Written By ilookingtoday on Thursday, March 13, 2014 | 3:23 AM
7:06 AM
Ingrate son mother seriously competent Daun detained
Written By ilookingtoday on Sunday, March 9, 2014 | 7:06 AM
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9:43 PM
March 8, 2014 แ្แុแแ ៊ុแแขាแាแแ แแ៍แ៉ាแกេแ៊ី แแិแេแแ័แ៌แាแแែแแ្แแแ្แแ្แแ្แแ្แាแแៀแแាแแ្แแ្แแ្แាแแា แើแแ ោះแ ើแแแแ់แ្แួแแាแแ្แាแ់ แោแแៅแែแขះแขាแแា แแ្แแ ោះแោះ แแแិแแាแ់แើแแแែแ แិแแែแแ្แាแ់แេ។ แ័แ៌แាแแแ្แែแ៖ Malaysia Airlines denies crash report, says plane still missing
Malaysian plane presumed crashed; questions over false IDs, March 8, 2014
Written By ilookingtoday on Saturday, March 8, 2014 | 9:43 PM
March 8, 2014 แ្แុแแ ៊ុแแขាแាแแ แแ៍แ៉ាแกេแ៊ី แแិแេแแ័แ៌แាแแែแแ្แแแ្แแ្แแ្แแ្แាแแៀแแាแแ្แแ្แแ្แាแแា แើแแ ោះแ ើแแแแ់แ្แួแแាแแ្แាแ់ แោแแៅแែแขះแขាแแា แแ្แแ ោះแោះ แแแិแแាแ់แើแแแែแ แិแแែแแ្แាแ់แេ។ แ័แ៌แាแแแ្แែแ៖ Malaysia Airlines denies crash report, says plane still missing
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2:19 AM
Dangerous animals- Red-Tailed Hawk vs. Rattler
Written By ilookingtoday on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 | 2:19 AM
1:24 AM
Security forces broke up a peaceful gathering in Phnom Penh on Monday, as protesters continued to demand the release of 21 detainees arrested in violent labor protests in January. Riot police blocked some 100 protesters from reaching the Supreme Court, confiscating amplifiers and drums in a tense confrontation that left at least two women injured. (Khoun Theara, Phnom Penh)
Riot Police Block Protest Over Labor Detainees
Security forces broke up a peaceful gathering in Phnom Penh on Monday, as protesters continued to demand the release of 21 detainees arrested in violent labor protests in January. Riot police blocked some 100 protesters from reaching the Supreme Court, confiscating amplifiers and drums in a tense confrontation that left at least two women injured. (Khoun Theara, Phnom Penh)
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11:25 PM
Find out why bak spean pel hea sorb
Written By ilookingtoday on Monday, March 3, 2014 | 11:25 PM
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2:31 AM
iPhone 6 release date, news and rumors
Written By ilookingtoday on Saturday, February 22, 2014 | 2:31 AM
The new iPhone could be one of the most pivotal devices in the Cupertino brand's history - with the the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C simple updates to previous models, there's a lot of pressure heaped on the iPhone 6.
![iPhone 6 release date, news and rumors](
As per usual, the internet is awash with rumor, speculation and downright lies over this next-generation handset, which is why we spend our time trawling through each nugget of info, debating its merits and curating it into this easy-to-read hub for all things iPhone 6.
Some of you might have been expecting the iPhone 6 to have debuted in 2013, but given the iPhone's history - from the 3G onwards, there's always been a half-step S model before the next numbered iPhone - we were never going to get the 6 until 2014. In fact, it will technically be the iPhone 8 by that point... but hey, who's counting these days?
One thing is for sure, with the Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One 2 and Sony Xperia Z2 just around the corner, Apple will need to be on its game with the new handset - and many believe a bigger screen is simply a must.
Here's what we think is most likely to happen: at WWDC in June this year we'll see the obvious release of iOS 8, but also a larger-screened iPhablet as Apple looks to bring itself to the fore in Asian markets and rivalling the likes of the Galaxy Note 3.
We'd have usually given this kind of rumor a wide berth, but multiple reports have spoken of a larger device from Apple at the June event, so we're starting to give them some credence. At the very least, Apple is definitely testing it, but may not bring it to market.
After that, Apple will launch the iPhone 6 in September, along with the iWatch and the first view of iOS 8, to allow it to both bring a new product to market as well as keeping its schedule safe. This is backed up by KDB Daewoo Securities, which does have a decent record in Apple early leaks.
Apple has launched the last few iPhones at a special event in September, so the smart money is on September 2014 for the iPhone 6's arrival but won't be the only mobile hardware we see from the firm this year.
The Retina+ Sharp IGZO display would have a 1080p Full HD resolution. It's also been widely reported that Apple could introduce two handset sizes as it seeks to compete with the plethora of Android devices now on the market.
We reckon there will be two screen sizes and resolutions, as mentioned above. A Full HD display makes perfect sense for the iPhone 6, especially if it grows to a 4.7-inch screen as mooted, and the iPhablet will push things even further to preserve the Retina experience on a larger display.
In other areas, patents show that Apple has been thinking about magical morphing technology that can hide sensors and even cameras. Will it make it into the iPhone 6? Probably not.
That said, there's still a small possibility of the iPhone 6 sporting a flexible wraparound display after more patents were uncovered, but we reckon that's more likely to feature on the iPhone 7 or 8 instead.
Back in September last year, rumors pointed to a 6-inch display, with further talk of a phablet sized 6-inch iPhone claiming it might arrive as early as May 2014 - which jives nicely with the above chat on an iPhablet.
As per usual, the internet is awash with rumor, speculation and downright lies over this next-generation handset, which is why we spend our time trawling through each nugget of info, debating its merits and curating it into this easy-to-read hub for all things iPhone 6.
Some of you might have been expecting the iPhone 6 to have debuted in 2013, but given the iPhone's history - from the 3G onwards, there's always been a half-step S model before the next numbered iPhone - we were never going to get the 6 until 2014. In fact, it will technically be the iPhone 8 by that point... but hey, who's counting these days?
One thing is for sure, with the Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One 2 and Sony Xperia Z2 just around the corner, Apple will need to be on its game with the new handset - and many believe a bigger screen is simply a must.
iPhone 6 release date
The iPhone 6 release date will be in 2014, although exactly when that will be in the year is still a little unclear.Here's what we think is most likely to happen: at WWDC in June this year we'll see the obvious release of iOS 8, but also a larger-screened iPhablet as Apple looks to bring itself to the fore in Asian markets and rivalling the likes of the Galaxy Note 3.
We'd have usually given this kind of rumor a wide berth, but multiple reports have spoken of a larger device from Apple at the June event, so we're starting to give them some credence. At the very least, Apple is definitely testing it, but may not bring it to market.
After that, Apple will launch the iPhone 6 in September, along with the iWatch and the first view of iOS 8, to allow it to both bring a new product to market as well as keeping its schedule safe. This is backed up by KDB Daewoo Securities, which does have a decent record in Apple early leaks.
Apple has launched the last few iPhones at a special event in September, so the smart money is on September 2014 for the iPhone 6's arrival but won't be the only mobile hardware we see from the firm this year.
Lost home button?
According to Business Insider, of the many iPhone 6 prototypes Apple has made, one has a giant Retina+ IGZO display and a "new form factor with no home button. Gesture control is also possibly included." It will surely include Apple's new Touch ID finger print tech though?The Retina+ Sharp IGZO display would have a 1080p Full HD resolution. It's also been widely reported that Apple could introduce two handset sizes as it seeks to compete with the plethora of Android devices now on the market.
We reckon there will be two screen sizes and resolutions, as mentioned above. A Full HD display makes perfect sense for the iPhone 6, especially if it grows to a 4.7-inch screen as mooted, and the iPhablet will push things even further to preserve the Retina experience on a larger display.
In other areas, patents show that Apple has been thinking about magical morphing technology that can hide sensors and even cameras. Will it make it into the iPhone 6? Probably not.
That said, there's still a small possibility of the iPhone 6 sporting a flexible wraparound display after more patents were uncovered, but we reckon that's more likely to feature on the iPhone 7 or 8 instead.
Back in September last year, rumors pointed to a 6-inch display, with further talk of a phablet sized 6-inch iPhone claiming it might arrive as early as May 2014 - which jives nicely with the above chat on an iPhablet.
9:52 AM
wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 16
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 | 9:52 AM
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wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 15
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wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 14
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wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 13
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wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 12
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wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 11
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wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 9
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7:55 AM
wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 6
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7:48 AM
wound art make up - how does it make up? Part 5
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